Understanding Key Parameters:
● PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation): Ranges from 400 nm to 700 nm, essential for plant growth.
● PPF (Photosynthetic Photon Flux): Indicates the amount of PAR emitted per second.
● PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density): Measures the amount of light delivered to a specific location per second.
● DLI (Daily Light Integral): Represents the amount of light required for a particular plant per day.
● PAR Meter: Device measuring PPFD in μmol/m2/s.
● Spectrometer: Device displaying relative intensity of different wavelengths, aiding in spectrum comparison.
Checking PPF Value:
● Examine the PPF value, expressed in μmol/J.
● A higher PPF value indicates a more effective grow light.
● Lumen is not a suitable unit for comparison; it is designed for human vision and not for Grow Lights.
Analysing LED Chip Wavelengths:
● Check the specific wavelengths of LED chips, such as Blue (450 nm), Red (660 nm), UV (390 nm), and IR (730 nm).
● Each wavelength plays a unique role in the photosynthesis process.
● Depending upon the type of plant and its need specialised Grow light tailored for a particular plant is manufactured.
Comparing Spectrum Graphs:
● Review and compare spectrum graphs based on plant requirements.
● Understand the percentage of different wavelengths and their purposes.
● Scientific studies confirm the significance of UV and IR wavelengths for various pigments in plants.
Checking PPFD Chart:
● When purchasing, request the manufacturer to provide a spectrum distribution chart for the designated area.
● Don't rely solely on a single reading at the centre; ask for a complete PPFD chart for the specified area.
Considering Power Consumption:
● Evaluate the power consumption of the grow light.
● Lower energy consumption coupled with higher PPFD is key for efficient grow lights.
● Inquire about the unit's daily consumption, considering a fixed photoperiod, as operating costs are a crucial factor in farming.