Best grow Light Spectrum For Plants

Choosing the right kind of light for plants might sound simple, but it's a decision that can make or break a cultivation endeavour. Manufacturers flood the market with different light options for the same plants, leaving growers confused which to select. In this article, we'll dive into the basics of plant lighting, how it affects plant growth, and help you figure out which light spectrum is the best fit for your specific needs.

Grow Light for plants

Let's start with the basics. Plants need light to grow, but not just any light – they prefer a mix of different colours or in other words each plant needs a different type of spectrum for its unmatched growth. Imagine light as a rainbow, with each colour representing a different wavelength. Plants mostly soak up light from the red and blue parts of the rainbow, but they also have a liking for some other colours.
Manufacturers often throw around terms like "full spectrum," which means a mix of all the colours, including some that are invisible to our eyes (which is called EPAR band). While plants do like a bit of variety, relying only on certain colours might not be the best approach for their overall well-being.
PAR stands for photosynthetically active radiation whereas EPAR Extended Photosynthetically active radiation. PAR band is from 350nm to 700 nm whereas EPAR band is from 350nm to 750nm. Full Spectrum contains Visible light of different wavelength ranging from 400nm to 700nm.

Plant Growth is affected by Light Spectrum

Think of light as a plant's food. The type of light it gets influences how it grows, how big it becomes, and even the chemicals it produces. For example, if you're growing plants for medicine, they need a good dose of light to thrive. But if you're after specific chemicals in those plants, tweaking the type of light they receive becomes crucial. Selecting the right spectrum of light for plants according to the type of plant is a very important step. Plants doesn’t require light for vision like humans do but they do require it as a food. The right amount of light (light intensity) and the quality (light spectrum) affects the plants growth.
The same goes for plants that are grown for their looks, like those fancy plants you see in premium gardens. These plants aren't just concerned about survival; they want to look good too. The right mix of light can influence their size, shape, and even the intensity of their colours.

The Best Light for Plant Growth

So, how do you pick the right light for your plants? It's all about understanding what you're growing, how much you care about your plants looking top-notch, and what you can afford.
Sure, plants can survive under any kind of light if it's bright enough. But if you're aiming for top-tier quality or specific chemical compositions in your plants, investing in a particular type of Grow light might be necessary. These specially designed Grow lights often involves more research and development due to which these grow Lights usually outperforms than the traditional lightings.
If you're feeling a bit lost in the sea of options, we've got you covered. We've developed a nifty device that helps you pick the right light for your plants.